We at HeYJu do not see ourselves as a classic freight forwarder, but more as a partner and adapt ourselves individually to the needs (warehouse logistics, long-distance traffic, tractors, trailers, scheduled freight and much more). In times of digitization, it is important to take the new trends with you, develop them further and implement them. In doing so, we never lose sight of the “tried and tested”.

Why actually HeYJu?
Tried and tested also leads us to the name HeYJu. As so often in life, children see problems and possible solutions from a different perspective than adults. So it was Helena and Julius (Hannes Siegeris’ children) who gave the founder of the company an impetus to start his own business. In gratitude for the inspiration, the two should be reflected in the company’s name. The initials HeJu quickly became HeYJu. HeYJu should not only appeal to people, but also naturally encourage them. Hey Ju! We think we succeeded with the name. Challenge us!
We concentrate concentrated knowledge in all areas such as warehouse logistics, sea & air freight, long-distance transport, local transport, at one location and in one office. Our loft ensures that the right atmosphere is created and that the interfaces between the individual work areas, disposition, sales and accounting are closed. Because this is exactly how we guarantee our entrepreneurs, customers and employees to make quick and correct decisions.
We take every employee, customer and partner with us in such a way that everyone feels comfortable. Our motto is:
„Work as it should be.“

Our team lacks for nothing. The constant further development of each individual employee is important to us and is demanded and encouraged. The strengths of each individual are integrated into the team so that we grow together. Here you can get to know us: The HeYJu team

Our customers know what we afford. We know the digital possibilities and use many of them. However, our focus is always on direct discussions. Be it on the phone, via video chat or simply with a classic on-site visit. However, what our customers value most is reliability and unconditional honesty!
Our entrepreneurs are the most important partners. It is important to treat each other as equals and treat each other fairly. In addition to the guaranteed on-time payment and fair handling in the area of pallet exchange, we try to exchange ideas in personal and open discussions. This is the only way our partners / entrepreneurs are willing to drive the extra kilometer so that our customers are served 100%.